Oh, yeah....I guess a girl could use some of that. Cake, cookies, pearls...yeah, a girl could definitely use that.
So, I did make a cake. It may have been 2 weeks after her birthday, but I did make a cake! Remember that Rainbow Brite cake I talked about a couple posts ago? With the Rainbow Horse, Starlight? Well, I completely changed my mind about that cake. I'm still going to do it for a future bday, I think, but I really wanted to do something girly and vintage for Char's 3-year pics.
My sister happens to be one of the best decorators I know. I walk into her house and want to weep at how adorable everything is. She decorated my wedding reception and it was...BEAUtiful!

See?? Gorgeous. (I can't get my pictures to get in the right place on the dumb page!! Anyone have suggestions? It's driving me crazy.) When she told me she was using the green fencing we had for my dad's and my horses...I thought "huh?" But it looked SO gorgeous. And unique.
So I raided her house of many of it's decorations. I also grabbed things from my sister-in-law and mom, then I went to Goodwill and got some great stuff that I knew would get used again and again. Like that tiered glass tower?? It's Goodwill plates and bowl and candlesticks. I wanted to make one of those forever! And it will be great for cupcakes, etc. I think it costed $10 when all was said and done, which was actually more than I was expecting, but still a great deal considering some of the pieces look like crystal.

ANYways...my niece came to play with Charlotte for the pics and let me tell you...we got some beautiful shots! The cake turned out just how I was imagining, and the girls had so much fun dressing up!

I had a really tough time getting my girl to look into the camera, but that's okay. She had fun and that was the most important thing. Happy 3rd, my beautiful Char!!
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